gymwipe.plants.core module

Core components for plant implementations.

class Plant[source]

Bases: object

Plants are supposed to hold the state of a simulated plant and make it accessible to simulated sensors and modifyable by simulated actuators. The Plant class itself does not provide any features.

class OdePlant(world=None)[source]

Bases: gymwipe.plants.core.Plant

A Plant implementation that interacts with an ODE world object: It offers an updateState() method that makes the ODE world simulate physics for the SimPy simulation time that has passed since the most recent updateState() call.

Parameters:world (Optional[World]) – A py3ode World object. If not provided, a new one will be created with gravity (0,-9.81,0).

Performs an ODE time step to update the plant’s state according to the current simulation time.